“Replace Fear of the unknown with curiosity.” - unknown
How do I know if my house is haunted?
We know it can be scary to see or hear unexplained things in your home. But before you jump to the conclusion that it’s a ghost, there are a few things to consider. Most occurrences can be explained. For example, scratching in the walls can be caused by rodents, and knocks and bangs are often related to pipes and plumbing.
Here at TPRG, we call ourselves investigators for a reason. When we are called to a location, we investigate the claims to determine if there might be a paranormal explanation or if there is a logical one. We thoroughly examine all possible causes before labeling something as paranormal. It's important not to let fear consume you. Just because you hear a bump in the night doesn't necessarily mean you have a haunted house. However, if you do have reason to believe that you might possibly have a ghost, please don't hesitate to reach out to our group.
Can you guarantee that you will find evidence of the paranormal?
No, we cannot guarantee paranormal activity will be present at every investigation. Paranormal phenomena are unpredictable and often subtle. Our focus is on collecting reliable data, whether or not it supports claims of paranormal activity. In some cases, we find natural explanations, and in others, the evidence remains inconclusive or points to something unexplained.
What kind of evidence do you look for during an investigation?
We look for measurable evidence that can help us determine the nature of the activity. This includes audio recordings (EVPs), temperature fluctuations, electromagnetic field (EMF) readings, photographic or video anomalies, and other data collected through scientific equipment. Our goal is to document occurrences in a way that can be analyzed and reviewed objectively.
What do I do if my house is haunted?
Let’s say you do have a ghost in your house. There’s no reason for alarm. If a reputable group has investigated your home and found evidence lending to the proof of the paranormal, don’t fret. We understand that comfort in your own home is important, which is why we advise our clients to assert authority. Inform the spirits that this is your home and they must respect you. Assert your position in a respectful manner. Never antagonize the spirits. If you ever feel frightened and sense that the spirits are not respecting your space, firmly tell them to leave you alone. In most cases, a simple acknowledgment and assertion of authority goes a long way.
Do you charge for your investigations?
No, we do not charge for our investigations. Our goal is to help people better understand their experiences, whether through identifying logical explanations or documenting potential paranormal activity. We are passionate about this work and believe it should be accessible to everyone in need.
What happens if you find evidence of paranormal activity?
If we find potential evidence of paranormal activity, we will share our findings with you in detail and discuss possible next steps. This may include helping you understand what’s happening and offering advice for managing the activity.
Do we believe in ghosts?
Part of what makes us a well-rounded group is that we consist of skeptical, logical thinkers who also believe in the possibility of paranormal phenomena. Each of us has experienced paranormal activity that is supported by scientific evidence or documentation, contributing to the case for the existence of the paranormal. During our investigations, we prioritize “debunking” or disproving paranormal claims. Only when we cannot find a natural or logical explanation for an occurrence do we begin exploring paranormal possibilities. Through our experiences, we have encountered phenomena we could not explain, documenting our findings with scientific equipment, which strengthens our belief in the existence of ghosts.
How do you handle sensitive or personal cases?
We treat all cases with the utmost respect and confidentiality. Before starting an investigation, we discuss your concerns and set clear boundaries to ensure you feel comfortable. Any evidence we collect will only be shared with you, and we will never publicize or discuss your case without explicit permission.